CCI completed the purchase of land for conservation

The Cactus Conservation Institute (CCI) announces completion of the recovery of nearly 500 acres for the protection of the Zapata bladderpod (Physaria thamnophila = Lesquerella thamnophila) and star cactus (Astrophytum asterias). The recovery was completed in coordination with a regional conservation entity. The Zapata bladderpod is a rare flowering plant that is a part of the mustard family. The star cactus, known also as the sea urchin cactus, is one of the most at-risk cacti in the United States and now resides within a radius of ten square miles. Both species are threatened due to loss of habitat. The conservation area that has been set-aside will be used to protect these two flora species as well as the desert tortoise (Gopherus berlandieri) and other at-risk fauna.