We are pleased to be able to present
by Joselyn Fenstermacher 2007
These are species that
have been collected close to the study area and/or species whose known
distributions make their occurrence within the study area likely, or unvouchered
species listed on previous surveys.
Unless otherwise noted, all distribution information is based on Turner
et al. (2003) and/or collection information from the University of Texas at
Austin herbarium's online database (TEX 2003). If a taxon was listed without a voucher collection in either
of the two previous area surveys (Wells 1965, Amos and Giles 1992), it is noted
as such. AGAVACEAE Dasylirion heteracanthium I. Johnst. Listed by Amos and Giles (1992), citing a specimen at BIBE, however no specimen was found. During the SRSC search, a specimen collected in Brushy Canyon and originally identified as D. heteracanthium was discovered (AMP & SAP 5127). Despite having few, if any, retrorse marginal teeth, the current annotation places it with D. leiophyllum. This species is reported to occur in south Brewster and Presidio counties (Powell 1998) but no localities or specimens are cited. AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus retroflexus L. Listed by Amos and Giles (1992); known locally from the Chisos and Glass Mountains. ASTERACEAE Cirsium undulatum (Nutt.) Spreng. Listed by Wells (1965); known locally from several areas in Brewster County. Erigeron flagellaris A. Gray. Listed by Amos and Giles (1992); known locally from the Chisos Mountains and southern Pecos County. Heterotheca sp. Listed by Amos and Giles (1992); two species occur in the region: Heterotheca fulcrata and Heterotheca subaxillaris. Machaeranthera blephariphylla (A. Gray) Shinners. Listed by Amos and Giles (1992); north Brewster County and westward distribution. Ratibida columnifera (Nutt.) Wooton & Standl. Listed by Amos and Giles (1992); common throughout the state. Simsia calva (A. Gray & Engelm.) A. Gray. Listed by Amos and Giles (1992); well-represented regionally. Tetragonotheca sp. Listed by Amos and Giles (1992); Tetragonotheca texana is the only species with a feasible distribution in Turner et al (2003). BORAGINACEAE Heliotropium molle (Torr.) I.M. Johnst. Possible; collected by NPS staff at Dog Flats; many other collections are known to the north. BRASSICACEAE Synthlipsis greggii A. Gray. Known from Dog Flats and to the east in BGWMA. CACTACEAE Echinocereus x roetteri (Engelm.) Engelm. ex Rümpler var. neomexicanus (J.M. Coult.) A.D. Zimmerman. Expected according to Powell and Weedin (2004). Echinocereus viridiflorus Engelm. var. russanthus (Weniger) A.D. Zimmerman. Expected according to Powell and Weedin (2004). This name is also the best approximated synonym of the taxon Echinocereus chloranthus listed by Amos and Giles (1992) and collected at the McKinney Spring ranch house and northward on the Old Ore Road. Epithelantha bokei L.D. Benson. Possible; occurs just outside of the study area near the Rio Grande. Lophophora williamsii (Lem. ex Salm-Dyck) J.M. Coult. Possible; the study area contains the appropriate habitat. Opuntia azurea Rose var. parva A.M. Powell & J.F. Weedin. Expected according to Powell and Weedin (2004). Opuntia imbricata (Haw.) DC. Expected according to Powell and Weedin (2004). Opuntia phaeacantha Engelm. Listed by Amos and Giles (1992). This species has a more northerly distribution in the Trans-Pecos, but the similar Opuntia camanchica is one of the most common species in the Trans-Pecos and is expected throughout the study area (Powell and Weedin 2004). Opuntia strigil Engelm. var. strigil. Listed by Amos and Giles (1992); occurs just outside of Brewster County to the east. FABACEAE Desmanthus glandulosus (B.L. Turner) Luckow. Expected; has been collected elsewhere in BBNP, is not an especially restricted species, and is well-represented regionally. HYDROPHYLLACEAE Nama torynophyllum Greenm. Several collections have been made near Hot Springs, and in Dog Flats. LAMIACEAE Scutellaria drummondii Benth. Listed by Amos and Giles (1992); of several varieties, var. edwardsiana occurs to the north of the study area. LILIACEAE Allium
drummondii Regel. Collected from several locations in BGWMA and west of
Stillwell Crossing. Allium perdulce S.V. Fraser var. sperryi Ownbey. Known from Dog Flat. LOGANIACEAE Emorya suaveolens Torr. Possible; the only Texas locality is on Maravillas Creek in BGWMA, just east of the study area. PAPAVERACEAE Argemone squarrosa Greene subsp. glabrata G.B. Ownbey. Listed by Amos and Giles (1992); known from northern Brewster County. POACEAE Scleropogon brevifolius Phil. Listed by Wells (1965). Turner et al. (2003) records this species in the study area but no specimens were discovered. Voucher collection localities near the study area include Dog Flats and the Chisos Mountains, in addition to many areas near Alpine and Marathon (TEX 2003). POLEMONIACEAE Gilia rigidula Benth. var. rigidula. Expected according to Turner et al. (2003). POLYGALACEAE Polygala
maravillasensis Correll. Collected in Black Gap along the river
and in the lower canyons of the Rio Grande. PTERIDACEAE Notholaena
aliena Maxon. Possible according to Yarborough and Powell (2002). Locally known from BGWMA and the Chisos
Mountains. Notholaena
copelandii C.C. Hall. Possible according to Turner et al.
(2003) and Yarborough and Powell (2002). RUBIACEAE Hedyotis
angulata Fosberg. Occurs sporadically in the Trans-Pecos, mostly to the
east. One collection was made just
east of the DH in BGWMA SALICACEAE Populus angustifolia E. James. Reported to occur in the RGV area (Powell 1988) and expected according to Turner et al. 2003. SOLANACEAE Chamaesaracha coronopus (Dunal) A. Gray. Listed by Amos and Giles (1992); regionally common. VERBENACEAE Glandularia racemosa
(Eggert) Umber. Known from Dog Flats. |